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Мужчина, 42 года, родился 14 апреля 1982

Екатеринбург, готов к переезду, не готов к командировкам

Где ищет работу


Ботаника, Уралмаш, Железнодорожный, Автовокзал

Верхняя Пышма

Все районы

Service engineer

40 000  на руки

  • Инженер-конструктор, инженер-проектировщик

Занятость: частичная занятость

График работы: полный день

Опыт работы 20 лет 9 месяцев

Июнь 2009по настоящее время
15 лет 10 месяцев
ОАО "МРСК Урала" - филиал "Свердловэнерго"


Leading Specialist
* Development and analysis of design/estimate docs, process maps, * Commercial information maintenance (calculations), * Control of the calculations compliance with the operating technological documentation. * Generation of consolidated reporting on Production and investment programs of the branch of ОАО "МРСК Урала" - филиал "Свердловэнерго", calculation and analytical work. * Development and consolidation of targeted reduce energy losses programs, energy conservation and energy efficiency in the development of electricity metering systems. * Advising lower-level staff on supervised matters
Октябрь 2006Июнь 2009
2 года 9 месяцев
ООО "Энергобаланс"


Leading Specialist
* Development and analysis of design/estimate docs, process maps, * Commercial information maintenance (calculations), * Control of the company's top management orders in the company's downstream units; * Conducting official correspondence with counterparts on the issues of concluding and executing income contracts and agreements to them; * Checking the quality of registration and consolidation of primary documents for the performance of contractual obligations; *Analytical reporting and commercial information (electricity accountings, production and financial indicators, relationships with counterparties). Achievements: Professional growth from a 1st category specialist to the leading specialist, the award "For conscientious work and high level professionalism".
Июль 2004Сентябрь 2006
2 года 3 месяца


Work regulation engineer
* Finding laboriousness of experimental, one-time and unique works of machine-building production. * Determination of the laboriousness of mechanical, locksmithing, electrical works and production technology. * Determination of the cost of works performed in accordance with the current tariff scale, Achievements: familiarization with the technologies of mechanical engineering and locksmithing, ways to assess their laboriousness, professional growth to the 1st category work regulation engineer.


Уровни владения навыками

Обо мне

Hobbies: photography, music (which requires some skillls in English, electrical circuits reading, sound engineering, events organization). - Organization of work in the branch network. - Communication skill with counterparts in the process of formation and coordination of the cost of services. - Analytical thinking, the ability to quickly draw conclusions based on large amounts of information. - Experienced PC user (MS Office, OpenOffice, ГРАНД смета, Adobe Photoshop), - Performance analysis - Decision execution control - 2 grade of electrical safety admission - Production control - Team working - Reports drawing - Organizational skills - Business conversation - Negotiation - Telephone conversations - Grammatically correct speech - Office work - Business correspondence - Events organization. To have an interesting engrossing job with adequate working relationships within a work team

Высшее образование

Metallurgical, Pressure metal treatment
Additionat professional retraining center, Enterprise economics and management
Military training, Engineering/demining

Знание языков


Повышение квалификации, курсы

Information system "Integrated accounting of electricity and power", User work in the database management application
Training center "МРСК Урала"
ГРАНД-Смета, Compilation and verification of local estimates, summary estimates.
Initial verification of knowledge of normative documents for group 2 on electrical safety
МРСК Урала

Гражданство, время в пути до работы

Гражданство: Россия

Разрешение на работу: Россия

Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения