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Женщина, 56 лет, родилась 12 декабря 1968

Екатеринбург, р‑н Уралмаш, готова к переезду, не готова к командировкам

Где ищет работу

Артемовский (Свердловская область)

Все районы


Заречный, Уралмаш, Шарташ, Новая Сортировка


Все районы

Верхняя Пышма

Все районы


Все районы

Свердловская область

Все районы

Service engineer

20 000  на руки

  • Продавец-консультант, продавец-кассир

Занятость: полная занятость

График работы: полный день

Опыт работы 16 лет

Февраль 2018Июль 2018
6 месяцев
ОАО "МРСК Урала" - филиал "Свердловэнерго"

Верхняя Пышма

Leading Specialist
* Development and analysis of design/estimate docs, process maps,
* Commercial information maintenance (calculations),
* Control of the calculations compliance with the operating technological documentation.
* Generation of consolidated reporting on
Production and investment programs of the branch of ОАО "МРСК Урала" - филиал "Свердловэнерго", calculation and analytical work.
Development and consolidation of targeted reduce energy losses programs, energy conservation and energy efficiency in the development of electricity metering systems.
* Advising lower-level staff on supervised matters
Сентябрь 2016Май 2017
9 месяцев
ООО "Энергобаланс"


* Development and analysis of design/estimate docs, process maps, * Commercial information maintenance (calculations), * Control of the company's top management orders in the company's downstream units; * Conducting official correspondence with counterparts on the issues of concluding and executing income contracts and agreements to them; * Checking the quality of registration and consolidation of primary documents for the performance of contractual obligations; *Analytical reporting and commercial information (electricity accountings, production and financial indicators, relationships with counterparties). Achievements: Professional growth from a 1st category specialist to the leading specialist, the award "For conscientious work and high level professionalism".
Март 2015Май 2015
3 месяца
Work regulation engineer

Березовский (Свердловская область)

* Finding laboriousness of experimental, one-time and unique works of machine-building production. * Determination of the laboriousness of mechanical, locksmithing, electrical works and production technology. * Determination of the cost of works performed in accordance with the current tariff scale, Achievements: familiarization with the technologies of mechanical engineering and locksmithing, ways to assess their laboriousness, professional growth to the 1st category work regulation engineer.
Апрель 2014Май 2014
2 месяца
Hobbies: photography, music (which requires some skillls in English, electrical circuits reading, sound engineering, events organization). - Organization of work in the branch network. - Communication skill with counterparts in the process of formation and coordination of the cost of services. - Analytical thinking, the ability to quickly draw conclusions based on large amounts of information. - Experienced PC user (MS Office, OpenOffice, ГРАНД смета, Adobe Photoshop), - Performance analysis - Decision execution control - 2 grade of electrical safety admission - Production control - Team working - Reports drawing - Organizational skills - Business conversation - Negotiation - Telephone conversations - Grammatically correct speech - Office work - Business correspondence - Events organization. To have an interesting engrossing job with adequate working relationships within a work team


Metallurgical, Pressure metal treatment
Февраль 2009Февраль 2014
5 лет 1 месяц
Additionat professional retraining center, Enterprise economics and management


Military training, Engineering/demining
Information system "Integrated accounting of electricity and power", User work in the database management application
Июль 2008Февраль 2009
8 месяцев
Additionat professional retraining center, Enterprise economics and management


Training center "МРСК Урала"
ГРАНД-Смета, Compilation and verification of local estimates, summary estimates.
Июнь 2004Декабрь 2004
7 месяцев

Артемовский (Свердловская область)

Initial verification of knowledge of normative documents for group 2 on electrical safety
МРСК Урала
Август 2002Март 2003
8 месяцев


Декабрь 2000Май 2002
1 год 6 месяцев

Артемовский (Свердловская область)

Май 2000Сентябрь 2000
5 месяцев


Ноябрь 1994Апрель 2000
5 лет 6 месяцев



Уровни владения навыками

Опыт вождения

Права категории B

Обо мне

Высшее образование


Знание языков


Повышение квалификации, курсы


Гражданство, время в пути до работы

Гражданство: Россия

Разрешение на работу: Россия

Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения

Резюме, похожие на это